Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is that bad? Answer: Yes.

Ok so I made a terrible mistake a few days ago. I failed to properly stand up for my friends. I feel just awful about it, but I'd like to explain so that if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you can learn from my mistakes.

My Psych 101 professor decided to have a discussion on sexuality and it went horribly. She was absolutely not equipped to facilitate this discussion and what's worse is she didn't even try! She just let every ass hole with a mouth say whatever bullshit, idiotic opinion they wanted. I was so angry. I said nothing. I wanted to get up and leave but I knew that would be even less productive than staying silent. My problem was I knew if I worked up the courage to actually call these people out on their heterosexism I would leave myself open to a swarm of argumentative comments and I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to handle that.

I did manage to say in response to this one guy who claimed homosexuals choose to be gay, "When did you choose to be straight?" I must have yelled it because my professor said, "well not you, maybe the whole class?" See? I was rash and harsh and I knew I would be. Next time I hope to be able to keep my cool and actually make a rational explanation that sexuality is not a choice and to even suggest otherwise is ludicrous.

I'm sorry my gay and lesbian friends. I should have done more. I should do more. I promise to do better next time.


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