Sunday, November 7, 2010

BBC Four

I just love the Dad saying she's had a charmed life so what's she bitching about?

I really try to be rational about feminism. I don't like to get angry because of course that just shuts people down and no one wins. But there is something that can send me into a fit and that's rape and sexual assault. Now I've never been raped. And when I first got into rape crisis, I didn't really know anyone who'd been raped. So what I'm saying is it wasn't personal. It wasn't something I did out of love for a specific person or to help myself heal (not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm so very proud of all the survivors who are willing to brave triggers to help women, you are my heros). My activism was something I did out of the horror of realizing this really happens. It happens to at least 25% of women in the world. And it can only happen in a world that hates women. And we do live in that world. Just watch the latest episode of Private Practice and you'll see. I'm sad to say I completely understand the rapists reasoning. I mean he's not just a random psycho. I can absolutely see this happening in real life. And isn't that the scariest thing you've ever thought.

Rape makes me angry. I can't believe we as a culture have allowed it to exist for so long. But that's what patriarchy is. Its a system that allows rape by protecting men through any means necessary. Whether it's calling women liars, slut shaming, or only sending 5% of convicted rapists to jail. And that's why I'm a feminist. I recognize that individual men are not to blame, patriarchy is. And I have hope that I will see a world without patriarchy and without rape.

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