Friday, November 26, 2010


So I just learned that one of Eve's punishments for eating the apple was to desire her husband and be obedient to him.
"Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you” (Genesis 3-4).

Ok seriously? As women, our punishment is to love men who control us? Seriously God?! What is it with you and disobedient women? First Lilith, now Eve. I think I've mentioned Lilith before but if not I'll give the cliffsnotes here. She was supposedly Adam's first wife. They were created from the same earth and therefore were equal. When she refused to be subservient to him, she left the garden forever. She, like Lucifer, became a demon in hell.

Of course another punishment is that childbirth would really hurt. But this means that loving men is supposed to be as painful as labor? What?! How is that right at all? How are we supposed to believe in a perfect, all loving God who would do this?

I remember once when I used to go to church, I heard this story of a journalist who wanted to dissect the Bible to prove it's fraud. But when he dove into it, he found he couldn't. He became a Christian. Did he just skip over this part? Or is it proof that Christianity supports patriarchy and he, as a man, just benefitted more from the word of God?

On a somewhat related note, I was just thinking about how the apple open Eve and Adams eyes and showed them they were naked. Isn't this proof God wants us to be naked all the time? Also it's proof that we as a people have over sexualized the human body. If you believe in the Christian God (which for the record I do not), then you should accept that nakedness is natural and the less clothes you wear, the closer to God you are. But of course Christians are the ones who call me a slut for not wearing a bra.

1 comment:

  1. I guess your parents never loved you when they punished you for breaking their rules?
