Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The declining morality of children

For the record, the title is ironic...


So ok, many of you may have heard about/seen this video of 11-year-old girls dancing to Single Ladies. Everyone and their mother has given their opinion. I hadn't seen it until this very morning, I never sought it out. But there it was this morning on my mini-feed so I clicked play to see what all the fuss was about.

Now, as a feminist, you probably assume I have a problem with this video. You'd be right. But right now, I'm not even angry or annoyed or put off. I'm sad. This is so sad.

A lot of the commenters on youtube talk about the girls costumes as if that's what's wrong. I've been an 11-year-old girl and I can tell you that all I wanted at that time was to dress like that. I understand the appeal to a young girl.

My main issue is with the overall theme of the performance, which is of course sex. These girls are so talented. They are so young and already have such an amazing set of dancing skills. These girls are doing triple pirouettes, they're so flexible, they have amazing control of their bodies. However, the only thing that stands out from their performance is their use of sex. The only reason they've gotten such national attention is because they exploited their sexuality. It's the same with many adult female performers. I've written about it a couple of times on here and this is just more evidence.

Now I personally don't like this song (because I think if he liked it then he should have loved, cherished and respected it. Nothing is secured just because he put a ring on it.) But this song is not about sex. We could go as far as to say the song is about love, but if nothing else, it's about commitment, or rather the symbol of commitment. Sadly these girls (or whomever choreographed this dance) have sexualized a song that could be interpreted as empowered. Beyonce is standing up for what she wants: marriage. And won't settle for anything less. But this choreography is all about fulfilling heterosexual male fantasies. There is nothing empowered about 11 year old girls shaking their breasts and asses. That's child pornography.

Which leads me to my second problem with the video: the sexualization of children. Who in heavens name would find this appropriate or sexually appealing? Sickos, that's who. But as I've said a couple of times before, women are constantly treated as children in this society especially where sex is involved. Seriously, how many porns are there of professors and school girls? And we're supposed to shave our pubic hair like when we were prepubescent and be so skinny we don't menstruate.

So remember, pedophilia is a disease. Like cancer. You wouldn't date someone with cancer, right? (ps that's a Midwest teen sex show joke. I highly recommend the series, quite hilarious!)

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