Saturday, September 18, 2010

On not wearing a bra

Spend 5 minutes with me and you'll soon realize that I'm not wearing a bra. My lack of undergarments steams from one reason and one reason alone: I find them uncomfortable. Now i realize that many women will be unable to comprehend this, but I assure you that for my entire life of owning bras I have hated them. I feel like I can't breathe and they do nothing but make my girls look bigger (therefore it is "sluttier" of me to wear a bra).

Tonight at a club I had a conversation with a drunken girl I thought was a nice, chill person:
Girl: You're wearing a bra tonight!
Me: yep
Girl: that's so great! can i ask you something? Why don't you wear a bra usually?
Me: cause it hurts
Girl: oh, i thought it was a feminism thing
Me: Well I am a feminist, but that's not why i don't wear a bra
GIrl: I thought it was a bra burning thing. Cause you wear heels but not a bra so I was really confused!
Me: you obviously don't know anything about feminism

This just fucking pissed me off. Feminism is equal to lack of bras? God some people. If you don't know what something's about, shut the fuck up. And if you're too ignorant to know that you don't fully understand something, shut the fuck up.

I would just love for someone to once, ONCE, ask me a god damned question about feminism instead of hearing the word and making assumptions. Feminism is so complicated and interesting and has NOTHING (I repeat NOTHING) to do with not wearing bras. Even the "bra burning" concept is an invention by non-feminists. No one burned their bras, a picture of a woman throwing her bra into a trash can was perceived by the papers to be a woman burning her bra. It never actually happened. So shut the fuck up about things you don't know. You don't see me shouting off commonly held misperceptions about hinduism, right? Right. Because i know better.

What the fucking hell?

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