I know I'm a bit late to the trend but I just started stumbling and I love it!! I thought I'd share something that found me.
15 Aspects of Third Wave Feminism is a well written and very informative article on feminism.
One thing I wanted to point out was number 13. It states that feminists are not sexist against men. It's so silly to say because it should be so obvious! Duh, we're not sexist against men! We fight sexism, any and all. We can't expect women to break out of their mandated gender roles without encouraging men to do the same. It's not fair and it's not realistic. Men need the choice too. They need to be able to choose (just as women do) whether they want a 9-5 job or stay home with the kids. They can wear pink or not, play contact sports or dance, build houses or knit, etc.
It's insane that I even need to say it but I think sometimes we feminists lose this knowledge. Embracing men into feminism and showing them they have something to gain from it is so important to the cause. If men stop thinking women are taking their power away, they'll stop fighting us. Working towards gender equality means we have to work for all sides. Simple as that.