Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gloria Steinem

So my favorite article is called If men could menstruate by Gloria Steinem. If you haven't read it, do. It's awesome! But she doesn't talk about mood swings.

Story time! Today I cried in front of my boss. He couldn't understand why I would be crying over something so trivial as people being mean to me all day. Now, since every woman's different around her time of the month, I'll let you know a little something about me: I get moody about 1 week before my period. I will yell at you for almost nothing and cry at the drop of a hat. I can't control it, Believe me I try.

So (in line with Steinem) if men could menstruate, mood swings would be not need to be controlled. Men would proudly announce that they were not to be messed with because "I'M ON MY PERIOD!!!" Or if they happened to shed a tear because... I don't know.... someone stole his parking spot, this thief would apologize! If only men apologized to me for making me cry! But instead, I'm called hysterical and too emotional and overreacting. WHAT THE HELL!?!

1 comment:

  1. Gonna have to agree 100%. I got emotional because I didn't get a job I had my heart set on over a trivial 4 months in age and my boyfriend was all "It's not that big a deal, don't get all dramatic about it."
    Dudes have NOOOOOOOOOOO idea how much hormones mess with your mood.
